50s Sayings

50s Sayings: 1950s Common Statements About the Future

These statements were quite common during the 1950s. How many of today’s sayings will ring as true 50 years from now? Turning 65 Years Old: Scream About Getting Old 50s Sayings I’ll tell you one thing…if things keep going the way they are, it’s going to be impossible to buy a week’s groceries for $20….

Fender Skirts

Fender Skirts, Curb Feelers, and Necker Knobs (Words That Disappeared)

I haven’t thought about fender skirts in years. When I was a kid, I considered it such a funny term. Made me think of a car in a dress.  More Words That Disappeared Thinking about fender skirts started me thinking about other words that quietly disappear from our language with hardly a notice.   Like…

Recycling Green Thing

The Green Thing: An Early Recycling Story

When I say recycling is a thing of the past, I mean it, but not in the way you think. Modern generations often blame us boomers for not being greener and eco-friendly. Take a look at how we lived back in the good ol’ days. You’ll quickly realize that we recycled and upcycled even before…

Woodstock Weekend Clueless Sixties
Nostalgia Senior Stories

Woodstock Weekend: Clueless Sixties

In 1969, three hundred thousand people went to Woodstock. However, by 2017 seven million people remember being at Woodstock. The memories of baby boomers have transformed the sixties into this magical, mythical landscape where everyone was a hippie, everyone was a draft resister, everyone was a veteran, and everyone was at the forefront of sex,…

Sears Homes
Nostalgia Senior Stories

Sears Catalogs: Passing of an Era

There was a time in this country when a catalog helped bind the country together but like many of the hallmarks of our development, that time has been flushed down the toilet. Sears, Roebuck & Co. is fast becoming history. There was a period in the 20th Century when it produced a catalog that helped…


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