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Senior Citizen Age (Complete Guide to Senior Citizen FAQs)

Senior Citizen Age

“Age is just a number.” “You’re as old as you feel.” These well-known adages often refer to senior citizens.

When Americans ask the question, “when is senior citizen age,” they need to know there is no clearly defined answer.

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The answer depends solely on the government agency, establishment, or organization asked. For example, AARP offers senior membership at age 50 while the U.S. government says you can retire at age 62.

In this post, you’ll discover the facts about senior citizen age. Without further delay, we bring you the answers to your most frequently asked questions about senior citizen age.

What Is a Senior Citizen?

A senior citizen is another name for a person advanced in age. The U.S. government bases the demographic by age. It often means seniors have reached retirement age.

Seniors often have families, lived life for many decades, held long careers, and traveled to several destinations during their lifetimes.

Like the government, many people consider senior age a period of transition from working to becoming a retiree. However, many seniors work after retirement age today.

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Some seniors hold part-time jobs or continue working at their current jobs with the hopes of earning more social security income to enjoy during full retirement.

Working can be taxing on the body because as senior citizens age, they tend to become susceptible to health issues. Some of these include diabetes, heart diseases, arthritis, hearing and vision loss, and mobility issues.

At What Age Does One Become a Senior Citizen?

If you’re basing your question on social security eligibility, a person may file for social security retirement benefits at age 62. However, they’re not required to file at that time. Seniors may wait to file at age 65 or later.

If a senior citizen files for social security retirement benefits at age 62, they may receive lower social security benefits payments. If they pay more money into social security for a few more years, they’re likely to receive more. Some people wait to file for Social Security until age 65 or even 67. Some may even wait until age 70.

When Can You Get Those Discounts Seniors Love?

When you become a senior citizen, you’re eligible for a variety of senior discounts. Fast food establishments, diners, and restaurants save seniors money on their dining bills. But at what age?

The age for these discounts typically begins at age 55 but can vary depending on the restaurant or establishment.

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For example, Burger King considers senior citizen age to be 60. However, McDonald’s, Arby’s, and other restaurants offer senior discounts beginning at age 55. However, discounts don’t end with food.

Many supermarkets and clothing stores offer special days they call senior discount days. Seniors may also receive travel discounts from airlines, hotel accommodations, sporting events, and theater tickets at age 50.

At What Age Can Seniors Qualify for Senior Housing?

The United States government and Housing Urban Development have joined forces to provide affordable housing to senior citizens when they become of age. The Housing for Older Persons Act allows seniors ages 55+ and 62 to purchase condos and homes in retirement communities and rent senior apartments.

Each housing community may have their own age requirements. Many residents may only need to pay a small portion of the rent such as one-third of the total rent.

Can Seniors Work After Retirement?

Most senior citizens retire from their jobs at age 65. However, with advances in medicine, healthier eating trends, and seniors embracing more active lifestyles, they may decide to work into their retirement.

They work part-time jobs or manage their own business working from home. With the boom of the internet, seniors sell products from home on eBay, Amazon, or from their own website. They may start businesses they didn’t have the option of starting when they worked full time. Some seniors continue to work full time.

Some seniors have the luxury of not needing to work because they’ve saved for their retirement. This kind of planning enables seniors to travel and enjoy the benefits of full retirement.

Should Seniors Work After They Retire?

If you’re a senior, a question that may weigh heavily on your mind is, “should I work after retirement age?”  Some people can’t wait to leave their jobs when they’re eligible for Social Security.

Especially when their place of employment is physically challenging or stressful. For others who haven’t planned well financially for their retirement, taking on employment may be financially necessary.

However, there’s a risk because working can affect their social security income. It’s important to be cognizant of the pros and cons of working during retirement before accepting an employment position.

Benefits of Working as a Senior Citizen

Although seniors may receive Social Security benefits after age 62 and enroll in Medicare at age 65, many find it difficult to live on these benefits alone. Especially if they earn a meager social security payment.

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