Romance Senior Stories

Personal Space: Dating a Space Invader

personal space invader

“Or maybe getting that close to a woman on a first date is some kind of a weird turn-on for him?” suggested Annie. “Either way you shouldn’t have to explain to a grown man what is socially appropriate and what is not. If he doesn’t know better, he either has far more serious issues than that — or he just doesn’t care how you feel. Either way? You deserve better!”

No Second Date

I agree.

My friends like me, are women in their 60s. We were raised in an era where girls were told to be nice. Go along. Don’t make a fuss. Six decades later? I think it’s time to defy this early training and push back.

No second date for Monty Python!

And if this ever happens again? I plan to speak up. Maybe I’ll be polite but firm. (“Please move over. I need more room.”) Maybe I’ll be pleasant and jokey. (“I may love sci-fi, but I don’t want to date a space invader!”)

Or maybe I’ll jettison six decades of nice, polite behavior and just cut loose: “What the hell are you trying to pull? This is the first date in a coffee shop, not a make-out session in the back seat of your car. Back off!”

Do you dare me?

Congrats to Roz! Reader’s Digest published her article, “Drivers Make Hilarious Confessions About How Clean Their Cars Really Are”.

Roz Warren, who writes for everyone from the Funny Times to the New York Times, is the author of Our Bodies, Our Shelves: A Collection of Library Humor.

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