Health & Medical

Caregivers, Take a Break! Seek Respite Care!

Caregivers Respite Care

Caregivers: Please, Take Care of Yourself. Or You Won’t be able to Take Care of Others

Refresh yourself with a quick getaway.

Feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and guilty? Trying to “do it all” and not feeling successful? Whether caring for your adult parents, an ailing spouse, or other relatives, you could be a victim of “caregiver burnout” and you’re not alone.

According to the Agency on Aging, more than seven million people are providing informal caregiver services for friends and loved ones.

Caregiving is physically, mentally, and emotionally draining. The day-in and day-out needs of everyone involved take their toll. Respite care is a great way to help alleviate some of the stress of caregiving.

What is respite care? “Respite” refers to short term, temporary care to provide relief to caregivers of the infirm or disabled. Respite care can from a few hours to run errands to a slightly longer period involving overnight stays.

Caregiver Survival

Caregivers often indicate they are not sure they will “out-survive” the people for whom they are caring; thus, there are often two “at-risk” persons in the making: the caregiver and the person cared for.

Respite care is offered to help caregivers and their families relieve stress and give them an opportunity to resume normal activities for a short duration.

Where can caregivers find help?

The enactment of the Older Americans Act Amendments of 2000 (Public Law 106-501) established an important new program, the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP). The program was developed by the Administration on Aging (AoA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Funded at $125 million in the fiscal year 2001, approximately $113 million has been allocated to states through a congressionally mandated formula that is based on a proportionate share of the 70+ population. The program calls for all states, working in partnership with area agencies on aging and local community-service providers to have five basic services for family caregivers, including caregiving responsibilities; and supplemental services, on a limited basis, to complement the care provided by caregivers.


The Eldercare Locator is a nationwide, directory assistance service designed to help older persons and caregivers locate local support resources for aging Americans. Click for more information.

The local AAA is one of the first resources a caregiver should contact when help is needed. Almost every state has one or more AAA, which serves local communities, older residents, and their families. (In a few states, the State Unit or Office on Aging serves as the AAA.) Local AAA’s are generally listed in the city or county government sections of the telephone directory under “Aging” or “Social Services.” (Source U.S. Administration on Aging)

A Quick Getaway

When the time is right for a longer break, think creatively. You want to use the time to do something that is relaxing and refreshing.

A three-day weekend at a resort is a wonderful thought but may not be in your budget. Call your local travel agent to check on mini-vacation specials.

Go on a bus tour of a scenic area – preferably one you’ve never visited. Check with friends who might be willing to loan out their house.

Visit a religious retreat. Go camping in a National Forest or even your backyard.

If you miss going to the movies, check into a local motel with your VCR, rent a bunch of movies, make some popcorn, and lay back!

The key is to take a break from everyday life and the associated stresses so you return energized.

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Common Warning Signs of Caregiver Burnout

  1. Extreme fatigue, lack of concentration, and insomnia
  2. Depression and loss of the ability to cope with everyday things
  3. Denial about the severity/outcome of the illness
  4. Misdirected anger towards others, including the patient
  5. General irritability
  6. Mood swings
  7. Withdrawal from activities and friends
  8. Lack of appetite
  9. Expression of anxiety about the future
  10. General health problems

Burnout Quiz

  • Rate each question by how true it is: seldom, sometimes, often, or usually.
  • Can’t get enough rest.
  • Don’t have enough time for myself.
  • Don’t have time to be with other family members besides the person I care for.
  • Feel guilty about my situation.
  • Don’t get out much anymore.
  • Have a conflict with the person I care for.
  • Have conflicts with other family members.
  • Cry every day.
  • Worry about having enough money to make ends meet.
  • Don’t feel I have enough knowledge or experience to give care as well as I’d like.
  • My own health is not good.

If the response to one or more of these areas is usually true or often true it may be time to begin looking for help with caring for the care-receiver and help in taking care of yourself.

Try to eat three balanced meals daily, add a multivitamin supplement if you are unable to do so.

Exercise on a regular basis. You’ll not only have more energy, but you’ll also get rid of stress.

  • Get at least eight hours of sleep daily.

Maintain Your Emotional Health

Set aside at least thirty minutes a day, just for you. If this is too much at one time, then try two fifteen-minute breaks. It doesn’t matter what you do, read, sew, or just sit in your rocker, make it something that you enjoy.

  • Change your routine on a regular basis; don’t get stuck in a rut.

Maintain Your Mental Health

Learn and use some type of relaxation exercises. Yoga and meditation are both helpful but even guided imagery can help.

  • If you’re not comfortable with relaxation techniques, listen to soothing music, or read something that personally uplifts you.
  • Realize that it’s okay to feel guilty, stressed, and even angry.
  • Try to find one good thing about a bad day. Maybe something as simple as the sun is shining.

Communication and Support

Let your family and/or friends know when you need help. They can’t read your mind and you’ll be surprised at the amount of support you’ll receive.

  • Even if you have assistance from your family and/or friends, try to find a support group for caregivers in your local area.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Try to see the lighter side of things, especially when you feel stressed.

  • Take a break and watch a funny movie; read a funny book; share humorous stories with others.
  • When you find yourself frowning, stop, and smile. You’ll be surprised at what that can do for your mood.

Remember, if your care receiver doesn’t have a smile, share one of yours.

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