Family Feud Quiz: Multiple-Choice (Pick the Best Answer)


If Adults Trick Or Treated, What Might They Request Instead Of Candy?

Correct! Wrong!

Name A Reason You Wouldn’t Want To Live Next Door To A Movie Star

Correct! Wrong!

Name A Word Or Phrase Used For Cooking On The Grill

Correct! Wrong!

Why Might A Family Move Into A Bigger House?

Correct! Wrong!

If You Drew Homer Simpson’s Name In A Secret Santa Exchange, What Would You Buy Him?

Correct! Wrong!

What Might You Ask To Borrow From Someone At The Laundromat?

Correct! Wrong!

Name A Prop used By Tap Dancers

Correct! Wrong!

Name A Character Who’s Known For Almost Ruining Christmas.

Correct! Wrong!

Name Something That Parent Of A Baby Is Constantly Listening For

Correct! Wrong!

Name A City Where You’d Hate The Long Commute To Work.

Correct! Wrong!

Other Than Movie Tickets, Name Something A Crowded Movie Theatre Might Run Out Of.

Correct! Wrong!

Name Something You Do To An Item Before Giving It As A Gift

Correct! Wrong!

Name The Most Used Piece Of Furniture In A House.

Correct! Wrong!

Name A Place Where It Might Be Romantic To Get Stranded With Your Partner

Correct! Wrong!

Name Something That’s Not Allowed In Some Hotels.

Correct! Wrong!

Which Festive Holiday Was More Fun When You Were A Kid?

Correct! Wrong!

Name A Number That’s Associated With Being Lucky Or Unlucky

Correct! Wrong!

Name A Job In Which An Attractive Person Probably Makes Better Tips.

Correct! Wrong!

What Would You Be Surprised To Hear That A Married Couple Does Separately?

Correct! Wrong!

Name A Good Gift For Someone Who Is Always Late.

Correct! Wrong!

Name Something People Bet On

Correct! Wrong!

On A Resume, What Might A Person Claim They Can Do Quickly?

Correct! Wrong!

Name Something You Should Probably Book Ahead Of Time If You’re Going On Vacation.

Correct! Wrong!

Name Something That Might Happen If You Eat While Driving.

Correct! Wrong!

Family Feud Quiz: Multiple-Choice (Pick the Best Answer)

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